Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Did you know...?

Did you know....?

~ Sennight - the space of seven nights & days (old English)

~ Fortnight - the space of fourteen nights & days; two weeks (old English)

Monday, October 28, 2013

Book Quiz (Oct 28)

Book Quiz (Oct 28)

The  posts in the October quiz will be...

From a book by:

Agatha Christie ~ Miss Marple - The Complete Short Stories
ISBN: 0-399-150129-9

Agatha Christie ~ Miss Marple ~ The Complete Short Stories

There are twenty stories in this book, and there will be no order on how the quotes are put up, post your answer in a comment, and on Friday I will let you know the correct answers. If no answers are posted I will re-post the quotes at another time.

Quotes from the short stories:

~ Can you name the short story?
~ Can you post which page?

  • Mary, the paragon, was missing! Her bed had not been slept in and the front door was found ajar. She had slipped out quietly during the night.

  • The vicar's wife came around the corner of the vicarage with her arms full of chrysanthemums. A good deal of rich garden soil was attached to her strong brogue shoes and a few fragments of earth were adhering to her nose, but of that fact she was perfectly unconscious.

  • "I saw," said Miss Marple impressively, "the window of the fishmonger's shop. There was only one thing in it, a fresh haddock."

  • "Oh!" said Jane. "In the village. But nothing ever happens in a village, does it?" She sighed. "I'm sure I shouldn't have any brains at all if I lived in a village."

  • "I have never forgotten it," continued the clergyman. "It made a profound impressions on me at the time, and to this day by a slight effort of memory I can feel again the awe and horror of that terrible moment when I saw a man stricken to death by apparently no mortal agency."

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Who said it?

Who said it?

A life spent making mistakes is not only honorable...

But more useful than a life doing nothing.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Book Quiz (Oct 21)

Book Quiz (Oct 21)

The  posts in the October quiz will be...

From a book by:

Agatha Christie ~ Miss Marple - The Complete Short Stories
ISBN: 0-399-150129-9

Agatha Christie ~ Miss Marple ~ The Complete Short Stories

There are twenty stories in this book, and there will be no order on how the quotes are put up, post your answer in a comment, and on Friday I will let you know the correct answers. If no answers are posted I will re-post the quotes at another time.

Quotes from the short stories:

~ Can you name the short story?
~ Can you post which page?

  • "Yes. I'd no idea of it - never dreamed of the thing being anything but an accident. Then, after Sir Ambrose's death, I got a letter. He had left directions to send it to me. He told me the truth in it. I don't know why - but he and I always got on very well together."

  • "It might, madam. They may be know at the Yard. This isn't her first job, I'd say!"

  • "I suppose her father heard about it in prison and he managed to break way and get hold of this suitcase from the old dresser he or his wife left it with. I suppose if the jewels really belonged to her mother, they can be used for the child now."

  • The lawyer joined the tips of his fingers together professionally. "I should hardly like to say. On the facts I should hardly like to say."

  • "I always did know, even when she was a child, when she was not telling me the whole truth. It took a long time, but I got it out at last. She had gone to the chemist's that morning and had bought some arsenic. She had had, of course, to sign the book for it. Naturally the chemist had talked."

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Who said it?

Who said it?

If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind,

of what, then,

is an empty desk a sign?

Monday, October 14, 2013

Book Quiz (Oct 14)

Book Quiz (Oct 14)

The  posts in the October quiz will be...

From a book by:

Agatha Christie ~ Miss Marple - The Complete Short Stories
ISBN: 0-399-150129-9

Agatha Christie ~ Miss Marple ~ The Complete Short Stories

There are twenty stories in this book, and there will be no order on how the quotes are put up, post your answer in a comment, and on Friday I will let you know the correct answers. If no answers are posted I will re-post the quotes at another time.

Quotes from the short stories:

~ Can you name the short story?
~ Can you post which page?

  • The vicar came up to the sofa and looked down at the dying man. "Poor fellow," he said, and shook his head. "No, I don't know him. I'm almost sure I've never seen him before."

  • "No body," said Miss Marple firmly. "That's the thing that would stare you in the face, if there weren't such a lot of redd herrings to draw you off the trail - including the suggestion of foul play and remorse. No body. That was the real significant fact."

  • There was a pause, Sir Henry looked very hard at Miss Marple who looked back at him with gently quizzical blue eyes. Jane Helier broke the silence.

  • Great was the chagrin of the village when it was made known that the Misses Skinner had engaged, from an agency, a new maid who, by all accounts, was a perfect paragon.

  • "But I never talk shop," said Sir Henry modestly. "No, I never talk shop."

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Who said it?

Who said it?

If animals could speak

the dog would be a blundering outspoken fellow,


the cat would have the rare grace of never saying a word too much.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Books Quiz (Oct 7)

Books Quiz (Oct 7)

The  posts in the October quiz will be...

From a book by:

Agatha Christie ~ Miss Marple - The Complete Short Stories
ISBN: 0-399-150129-9

Agatha Christie ~ Miss Marple ~ The Complete Short Stories

There are twenty stories in this book, and there will be no order on how the quotes are put up, post your answer in a comment, and on Friday I will let you know the correct answers. If no answers are posted I will re-post the quotes at another time.

Quotes from the short stories:

~ Can you name the short story?
~ Can you post which page?

  • "My curiosity is mainly professional," said Dr. Lloyd. "I should like to know what medical evidence was given at the inquest - that is, if our hostess remembers, or, indeed, if she knows."

  • "The facts are very simple. Three people sat down to a supper consisting, among other things, of tinned lobster. Later in the might, all three were taken ill, and a doctor was hasitly summoned. Two of the people recovered, the third one died."

  • "I am not going to try to guess," said Raymond. "Go on, Aunt Jane, and tell us what was so startlingly clear to you."

  • "Now, Dr. Lloyd," said Miss Helier, "don't you know any creepy stories?"

  • Miss Marple nodded brightly. She opened her bag and extracted a small card board box. Inside it, wedged in cotton wool, was a small mirror.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Who said it?

Who said it?

A cat has absolute emotional honesty:

human beings, for one reason or another,

may hide their feelings,

but a cat does not.