Monday, June 17, 2013

Book Quiz (June 17)

Book Quiz (June 17)

Not a Regency this time.. :)
  • A Berkley Book
  • 230 pages
  • copyrighted in 1934 & renewed in 1961
  • first published by Dodd, Mead in 1934 & published again by Berkley in April 1984

Quotes from the book:

  • And he looked with pleasure at the white building behind him, equipped with three bathrooms, hot and cold water in all the bedrooms, the latest system of central heating, the newest electrical fittings and a staff of parlor maid, housemaid, chef, and kitchen maid. Sir Charles' interpretation of simple living was, perhaps, a trifle exaggerated.
  • "Ah, no, I agree with you there. I was surprised for another reason. It seemed to me that Sir Charles had a particular reason for staying in Loomouth - a very charming reason. Eh, am I not right? The little demoiselle who calls herself, so amusingly, the egg?"
  • "Stephen was my father's curate. He was the first young man young man I saw when I came home from school. I fell in love with him and he with me. We were engaged for four years and then he got a living down in Kent and we were able to get married. Ours was a very simple love story, Sir Charles, and a very happy one."

Can you:

~ Name the author?
~ The title of the book?
~ One other book that the book the published?


  1. Is it Three Act Tragedy by Agatha Christie?? :-)

  2. Meg,
    That is very close to the title, it is by Agatha Christie. :-) You did very well.

    The answer* is ~ Murder In Three Acts ~. (This is the title on the American copy that I have, I do know some (maybe all) of the books have different titles in England, this one that I don't know the English title.)

    *Questions are posted up on Mondays, and answers are posted up on Friday.
